Annual General Meeting Minutes
30 January 2025 The Crown, Regil
President: Sally Busby (not present)
Committee: Mike Edwards (Chair) Sarah Barnes (Treasurer) , Debi Goessens
(Secretary), Pip Page Training Officer), Claire Scoble (membership Secretary), Dawn Warford (Safeguarding Officer)
Guests: Paul Horner, Farrier + 2; members as per list held by secretary
Claire Watts,
Welcome & Chairperson’s Report:
Minutes from the previous AGM were agreed as a true and correct record and agreement recorded with an on-line signature by the Chair - there were no matters arising.
Mike welcomed everyone to Blackdown Mendip Riding Clubs 2024/25 AGM we will move through the formal part of the meeting as speedily as we can so that our guest speaker, the renowned farrier Paul Horner, may entertain us with his account of his experiences as an official farrier for the GB equestrian team at the Paris 2024 Olympics. As soon as we have completed the formal part of the meeting there will be a break for something to eat. This year we’ve opted for a warm snack of sausage and chips.
Electronic versions of the 2023/2024 AGM were made available via the website etc. and I ask if there are any matters arising from them.
I once again thank the members of the committee for their continued hard work and enthusiasm to help steer the club through yet another very challenging year. We’ve had fantastic support from our regular instructors who have proved to be flexible and understanding in accommodating our lesson plans and camps and adapting to some short notice changes. We really do appreciate the way they inspire and help members enjoy and improve their riding. I would also express the clubs appreciation to the owners of the various venues used they have been most supportive during a period of serious financial constraint. I would also thank those members who have taken advantage of the lessons and camps offered.
We offered a fairly comprehensive selection of lessons with varying degrees of support. This year the committee agreed to suffer some financial losses when making the decision to subsidise lessons and camps to help ease the hardships being experienced by members wishing to participate. Those losses could not be continued so the significant subsidies were withdrawn that end of 2024, hence the increase in charges this year. We hope members understand the reasoning and continue to take part in club activities as that will be run at cost.
Camps at Pontispool and Stockland Lovell were greatly enjoyed by those taking part. Sadly the arrangement between Blackdown Mendip and Brent Knoll Riding Clubs to jointly run camp proved unsuccessful so the Autumn camp and all future camps will be solely managed by us. This year we plan to run a single residential camp at Pontispool in the Summer and will look at options for day camps or rallies
We have made amendments to the clubs constitution which are online to comply with legislation and BRC guidelines and, unless there are any objections or questions, I presume that the members present will permit them to be ratified. [no objections raised]
The Sport80 website continues to cause some minor issues to those wishing to join riding clubs, but the situation is improving.
Floor opened to questions:
● Why only one camp this year, and why not Stockland Lovell?
o Mike and Pip responded that unfortunately Stockland Lovell is too expensive this year, but we are hoping that we can negotiate something for next year. Also we have moved the Pontispool Camp to June this year which would have made getting a second arranged for September a bit too difficult
Treasurer’s report:
Distribution of accounts was made available to the committee prior to the meeting.
Accounts are done and verified to 31/12/25 and are available on request
Due to the decision to subsidize lessons and camps the club made a loss over the year
Stock total - Merchandise, Rosettes and first aid kits
Following our winter dressage competition, we were able to donate £450.00 towards the purchase of a defibrillator
Reminder that all lessons need to be paid 24 hours in advance
We will carry on running our financial year 1 January -31 December
Membership report:
We had reported 47 members in the year, of which 5 were junior, plus 3 honorary members.
Reminder that with the new online changes, membership is now whenever you join and runs for the next twelve months
The Club now gets paid the balance of each membership after BRC has taken their bit
Election of Committee Members for 2025
One committee member retires- Membership Secretary Claire Scoble.
Election of new and remaining officers:
- Chair: Mike Edwards remains, re-elected. Proposed by Debi and seconded by Pip
- Secretary: Debi Goessens remains, re-elected by the committee prior to the
- Treasurer: Sarah Barnes remains, re- elected by the committee prior to the AGM
- Membership Secretary: Sami Boyce proposed by Debi Goessens and seconded by Pip Page
- Other committee members agreed to remain in post
- Dawn Warford as Safeguarding and Merchandise Officer
- Pip Page as Training Officer
-And joining the Committee as Area 12 Rep/ Event support: Judy Holbrook proposed by Debi Goessens and seconded by Dawn Warford
Any other business
The club’s constitution has been updated and is on the Club website and will be uploaded to Sport80 BRC website to ensure we remain fully inclusive and comply with safeguarding requirements.
Carbon footprint
As agreed last year, we as a committee have continued our commitment to reduce the amount of printing/ paper we use. Records of all meetings are held online (as well as the output of this meeting). Copies of anything required by members will be available either on the website or via email
No further matters were raised and the meeting closed at 7.25pm
Signed: M Edwards Signed: D Goessens
Date: 6/2/25 Date: 6/2/25
Position: Chairman Position: Secretary