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Updated: Jun 2


Annual General Meeting  Minutes

25th February 2021

Via Zoom


Committee: Mike Edwards (Chair), Helen Melvin (Treasurer), Claire Scoble (Club Secretary, Membership Sec), Pip Page, Jane Brazier

Sarah Gell


Alicia Poyntz (committee)


ME welcomed the committee to the meeting and also member, Sarah Gell & thanked everyone for taking time to participate. Extenuating circumstances with Covid-19 has made this year a very difficult one to organise lessons, camp & events.  ME expressed sincere condolences on behalf of the committee to anyone who has lost family or friends or suffered from the effects of the virus.

Minutes of 2019 AGM:

Copies of 2019 AGM were made available via the website.  Following an amendment to the spelling of Barnard the minutes were approved and signed.

Matters Arising:


Chairperson’s Report:

ME publicly thanked the committee for their determination, enthusiasm and support through a very testing year. 

Much of the equestrian calendar was wiped out by the pandemic and the imposed restrictions, including most of the clubs activities. We were able to hold two of the three Winter Dressage competition days arranged at Badgworth in February and March 2020 that were quite well supported & members were able to accumulate points toward the Dancer Trophy. We also re-introduced the Springfield Harlequin Trophy for the best performing retrained racehorse.  

ME thanked PP for trying to coordinate entries for Area competitions but unfortunately these did not go ahead due to the restrictions.  

Lessons were held from January to mid-March then restrictions due to coronavirus were imposed. Spring Camp at Pontispool also had to be cancelled for 2020 but grateful to the Management at Pontispool for carrying over the deposit.   

Lessons recommenced in June with some restructuring to accommodate imposed restrictions. Lesson take-up was a little disappointing, but still nevertheless quite pleasing under the circumstances with members having understandable concerns of social interaction and travel restrictions. Feedback suggests that participants embraced the changes and enjoyed taking part in lessons. 

We were able to run a reduced Autumn Camp at Stockland Lovell and although numbers were low those that went to camp thoroughly enjoyed it. Many thanks to Christine Edwards for putting some considerable effort into planning and amending those plans to ensure camp went ahead.

Treasurer - Statement of Accounts: 

The accounts had been distributed via email to the committee.

Draft accounts pending verification by accountant Sara Applewell.

Summary of Income, Expenditure and Profit

Total Income                  £11,394

Total Expenditure        £11,249

Net profit                        £149

The profit on membership of £671 largely contributed to the overall profit.

Lessons made a profit of £344 which is a real credit to ME for organising and running them so well in these uncertain times. This is the first year that lessons have made a profit for some time.  

Camp made an expected loss amounting to £734.  It was agreed, as with previous camps, to subsidise it in order to run it successfully.

Bank Account Balances:

Current Account £2,040.55

Deposit Account £15,056.92 

Stock                                            £1,121

Merchandise                                  826

Rosettes                                          281

First Aid Kits                                     14

We are very grateful to Sara Applewell for verifying the accounts for us.


Election of new chairman

Mike Edwards remains as chairman - unanimously agreed.

Election of new and existing committee:
  • Claire Scoble remains as Membership Secretary

  • Helen Melvin remains as Treasurer

  • Alicia Poynts remains as merchandise

  • Pip Page remains as Junior member coordinator & Area 12

  • Jane Brazier remains as Safeguarding Officer and First Aid

  • Dawn Warford remains as Members Days

  • Claire Scoble steps down as Club Secretary

  • Sarah Gell joins the committee & is appointed Club Secretary, proposed by HM, seconded by CS.  

Presentation of the Trophies (virtual):

Dancer Trophy (Winter Dressage) - Virginia Toogood 

Springfield Harlequin Trophy (Retrained Racehorse) - Sophie Lawson

Busby Trophy & Junior Busby Trophy - no winners as no members day competitions this year.

Any other business:

Moving forward, the beginning of this year has been stricken with Covid-19 as per last year but there is light at the end of the tunnel with the roll out of the vaccine and the reopening of activities.  Despite dates being estimated at present ME has scheduled in some lessons to get the members started. 

Sadly this year’s Spring camp will be deferred to Spring 2022 as restrictions will not be sufficiently eased by April 2021 to permit residential camps.  Autumn Camp is looking more promising.

The committee agreed that members days would not be organised this year due to the uncertainty of the end of lockdown and lack of time to prepare.  An Autumn/Winter dressage series will be discussed and provisional enquiry has been made with Badgworth.

Membership fees to remain at current level despite reduction offered by BRC. The club has absorbed two of the last three increases and the cost of BMRC membership is still reasonable.

Date for next committee meeting via Zoom set for 7pm on Wednesday 7th April 2021. 

Meeting Closed at 19.40

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