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Happy New Year

As things settle down after all the festivities, how about making use of the dark nights to plan your horsey time, and check your Membership renewal date on the Sport80 website so that you don't miss out on anything

So far as a Club we have day and evening; flat, poles and jumping lessons confirmed at Badgworth through until May (with other locations being planned).

We have a June Camp planned at Pontispool, keep an eye out for the details soon. Unfortunately Stockland Lovell has priced us out of a second camp this year but we're trying to get some day camps at various locations instead.

And don't forget Paul Horner (remedial Farrier) is coming to share his adventures at the Paris Olympics at our AGM at The Crown in Regil at the end of January (free to attend but please fill in the Form so that we can get the catering right)



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